Saturday, October 27, 2012

Almost... there....

Any excuse for a Star Wars reference

one week from today I will be running my first half marathon (I'd say a week from now I will have completed my first half marathon, but the jury's out on how truthful that statement is). As mentioned on every other occasion I have mentioned this race it is a decidedly tough race for a first effort. Whatever; I always tend to do things the hard way and this will be no exception. What makes this one a tough sled is the fact that I have not run nearly enough training miles to expect more than a goal of 'just finishing.'  I have an idea of how long the race will take me (about 2-1/2 hours, or twice as long as the guy who will win the race...) but all bets are off until the finish line is crossed.

I ran a solid six miler today, focused on maintaining a set pace for the whole run, which closes out my work and preparation. I'll run a couple short and speedy runs this week to keep my legs fresh and moving, but otherwise I've done all the preparing I can do. It's all down to race day now. I'll let you know how it goes (or doesn't go, as the case may be).

In other news, the school year is going well. I just finished a whirlwind week of parent conferences and feel like I'm starting to hit my stride instructionally. I still have a lot of developing and progressing to do as a teacher, but I think I'm on a good track so far. We also had a friend take some beautiful pics of the girls; here's a sample:

Sure there were more "sweet" pictures, but this was a far more accurate depiction of where they are as sisters right now!

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